Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Lib Dumb Watch

Yesterday was spent recovering from Saturday night watching the Daily Politics at the Lib Dumb conference. My favourite bit was the Q&A session with Michael White (who I dispise) and Ming Campbell. Horribly staged and all very softly softly but badly organised with the first two people with questions from the floor not being in the conference hall to ask them. However, an interesting piece did come out off Ming where he revealed he had had a lot more dealings with the NHS off late. That would be the geratric ward then, still at least we know. So far today we have had the crucial tax vote which was one by the leadership from by about a 60/40 margin. We Willie Rennie the winner off that by-election in Drumferline which he wasn't meant to win. Being a Lib Dumb it was very difficult to remember what he was talking about. However, I do remember him saying this "and this is one of my favourite slides". Hocus, pocus a slide appeared and what do you know...it was a bar chart. The picture is taken directly off the TV so please forgive the poor quality.


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