Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Lord Lucan Awards - Best MP

The first in a series of awards that were announced yesterday and will be awarded over the next few days. First up is the award for best MP. This was a tricky category from which to choose a winner as MPs continually to fail to do anything worthwhile. However, the winner of this award has done not a great deal and her ministerial role in the department of health has not been spectacular although she has managed to not to screw up completely unlike her boss as certain Ms. Hewitt. Where she wins this award is in the fact that in the dullness of bald/grey politicians she shines forth with her beauty and is very fit. Lord Lucan is proud to announce the winner of the Lord Lucan Award for Best MP in 2007 goes to...
Minister for Fitness, Caroline Flint

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written article.

8:56 AM  

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